Where did summer go?! 

We hope you all were able to disconnect and enjoy some kind of vacation. Perhaps it wasn’t exactly what was planned because of the ‘rona situation, but now Autumn seems to be setting in and we’ve got work to do! 

Many of us indulge during vacation, and maybe also weekends, only to come back and find that we’re struggle-busing in our workouts and all those #gains are more like kg gains. Ugh!

So what’s the deal?

  • Secret Eating

Ok, so maybe it’s not so secret when we’re on vacation and you think, “yeah, go on then, it’s vacation! I’m going to have that ice cream again today! Oooh, yes, another Sangria please! Wooo!” 

Hate to say it, but vacation(and weekend) calories still count if you’re working towards general weight loss. Now, I’m not saying you have to cut out all the fun vacation foods and eat overpriced kale salad while you watch everyone else enjoy a meal; but if you want to make lasting change, you’ll need to adjust all aspects of your life, even vacation and weekends. Those extra snacks can add up over the course of a week, month and year. 

The tip here is that energy in = energy out. Generally, if you’re looking to lose weight, you’ll want to be in a deficit, so you’ll have to see ALL the sights and keep pretty active in order to have some of those more indulgent snacks. However, this is still going to vary from person to person, we strongly suggest working with your trainer or our in house Nutritionist to find the right plan for you. 

  • Stress

Fun fact: hormones affect more than just our moods, they also affect how well we digest food and absorb nutrients. One of those hormones is the stress hormone Norepinephrine. This hormone is part of our subconscious “fight or flight” response and while we aren’t running from predators in the plains, but more likely running from one meeting to the next while also trying to complete a big project and then take care of regular adulting requirements(omg, just stressed myself out thinking about that!) our body unfortunately, does not know the difference between these types of stresses and therefore starts to slow down the digestion processes. This leads to the body storing energy, aka piling on the kg, so it can focus on the perceived threat(s). 

Our tips here - try slowing down and incorporating something like Yoga or meditation into your week. You could also join the Trail Fit Club to get fresh air and nature into your life from the monthly guided hikes. Hey, maybe also try out boxing to relieve some of that tension! 

Meeting with our Nutritionist here would also be wise to develop a program that fits your needs.

If you seem to be managing both of those issues, but still struggle with nutrition, here are some tips to start you off:

  • eat until only 80% full

  • eat slowly and mindfully

  • eat more minimally processed foods

Get into these tips and more by signing up for personal training or booking a nutrition consultation with us today!